Friday, November 21, 2008

Update on the Post Trama due to yesterday's TORTURE!!!...

Remember the fishing hooks being ripped out of my back... well, since I endured so much pain, and had no pain pills, and the surgeon wouldn't return my calls... the incompetent doctor that put me through the year of shots and nerve blocks without looking at my MRI to tell that they would do no good, told me to go to the emergency room... Of course, I don't have emergency room money ($100 copay)... remember.... no unemployment thanks to us being honest people...

so we went to Urgent care.... where they shot me up with Demerol and pretty much told me I was going into shock... even today, the 28 holes in my back still burn... I went to my primary, and he confirmed that the doctor lied to me that HELL yes... staples coming out of a nerve center of my back like that was going to hurt.... Had I know that, My CHILD WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN WITH ME!!! I think that is what upsets me most.... I don't want him to fear the doctor's office... but hell, I am starting to fear incompetent doctors... Anybody out there know a good ambulance chaser.... I am sure in the mood to sick one after these bastards after my year of misery... all they have done is drain my insurance company... and me... financially and emotionally...

My primary gave me antibiotics to prevent infection... he said as long as i am in pain, my immunity is down... and let me tell ya... I am in lots of pain... the good news is that i am no longer on the morphine... so come hell or high water... I AM HAVING A BEER TONIGHT!!! (before i start the antibiotics) ;-)


Melinda said...

Doctors suck, don't they. I hope things are better now. Just stay strong. And make Rob take care of all the mundane stuff until you're feeling better.

sinister_n_evil said...

thanks, but taking it easy is the last thing on my mind right now... panic is starting to settle in as the holidays approach... and the financial situation is becoming glaringly apparent... but, we will survive... Just living in chaos is making it worse on me... while the troop was over playing rock band, i took the opportunity to do some house work and over did it as usual... but i can't take sitting back and just living like this... I gotta do something... it is driving me nuts... and if i don't do something... i may as well just start popping pills or drinking... and that is just a sign of defeat... I am just giving rob his space to work on his projects to get his designs together so we will have an opportunity for something... because without it... things are looking pretty bleek at the moment...