Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holy Crap... Hasn't he done enough dammage...

OK... i think in terms of extremes... but according to this article, if my doctor or pharmacist doesn't like my lifestyle, tattoos, or religion... I can be refused medical treatment, care, or prescriptions...

Bush... The Shoes should have fucking hit you in the mouth and you should have fucking choked on them... Leave the country in a salvageable condition... you have done enough damage already...


RingoWolf said...

I think you have this the other way around. This is to protect Dr's from being forced to perform procedures that they feel are unethical, i.e. you can't force your prolife obgyn (under penalty of being fired, etc.) to give you an abortion. They can (and I think must 1) disclose why. 2) refure (sp?) to a Dr. who will. I didn't read this particular artical so I'm not sure of those two points but I've heard a lot about this artical being Catholic.

RingoWolf said...

Think of it this way. If you were a lawyer and I wanted the "right" to burn witches (Wiccans- but if I wanted to burn them I would be the type of a-hole that would insist on calling them witches) I couldn't force you (a Wiccan) to defend that "right" in court.

There is a group(s) that are sending women seeking abortions to faith baised health clinics with then intention of suing them when they refuse "care". It's not a case of, "I'm not going to treat your high blood pressure beacuse you're Jewish".