Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can You use Happy and Hospital in the same sentence?

Ah, my little munchkin is finally checked into Children's Hospital under non-emergency status while happily smiling at mommy and daddy... This shot of him is just before they gave him the goofy juice, and yes he put up a fight to get it in him as usual, but boy, did he mellow out afterwards... not comical enough to take videos like I had of Short Stuff, but to watch my litter pooter just be amazed, laid back and smiling at the ceiling was pretty cool...

The surgery went well... the doctor said that the fluid that was built up behind his ear drum was like sucking out the consistency of a garden slug. He didn't think that my little angel could hear anything at all... which was supported by my boo's reaction to me singing to him in recovery... he just tilted his head and looked at my eyes and mouth and touched my face... it just made me cry... you would think that his speech therapist at school would have noticed this... or his doctor would have picked up on this sooner... I have already made the necessary phone calls to change his school... I will blog about the 'final straw' that drove me to this decision later..

But in the mean time, know that my boo is resting comfortably on baby loretabs... and snores just a fraction of his previous capability...

I am so tickled that my baby can hear me...


Melinda said...

That's so awesome! The hearing part, I mean. Now, I can be a bad influence when I see him next.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Charles! Hope he's back to speed soon :) hugs to all of you!