Monday, December 15, 2008

yeah... i know it is blurry....but deal...

Yeah, it has been a while since I posted, but trust me, I needed some time to calm down... I was flinging threats left and right, but my wonderful husband has shown me that my fury can be put to more constructive and creative means and the wonderful Jackie Gleason's character, sheriff justice of the smokey and the bandit movie fame calming "Ahouuuuummmmmm!!!" when you are contemplating homicidal tendencies actually works and has a comedic factor ta boot...

Anyways, to change the subject, isn't the blurry photo above just the cutest Christmas pic ever... Here I thought Charles would be putting up a fight with Santa, but they got along just wonderfully... My boy is a natural... Sorry, they came to late to go in the cards... but if you must have one, I am taking requests...

I continue my struggles with the causers of my stress leading to mental instability, and I am working on it... If it continues much longer... I may have to consider chemical intervention... the psychiatricly prescribed kind...


Melinda said...

Okay. The Jew wants kid pictures for Hannukah! I need additions to the CJ and Charlie pics in my cubicle. I will accept ones with older parent-type people in them as well.

sinister_n_evil said...

So i take it you haven't gotten your Hannukah card yet? ... and you have another package commin... so be patient....

luv n hugs...


Melinda said...

Is that the one with the boys plotting to capture Santa? Cuz that's the awesomest card I've ever gotten. I was telling my friend about it at work today.

You guys rock... for goyim.

sinister_n_evil said...

yes it is... I am still working on getting package number 2 to the post office... having complications that I will have to send via email...