Saturday, January 17, 2009

Long time no see...

Sorry for the absence folks.... but I have had to play care taker to Rob as after his surgery he decided to come home with Strep and then give it to CJ... I am starting to think that Charles had Strep before X-mas which would explain why he refused to drink anything... and well, the house basically went to crap... so, now I think the kids are healthy again... and the husband is regaining the use of his hand... the house is getting under control... I have started physical torture.. i mean therapy... and i am dealing with the politics of the sci-fi con committee that I serve on...

Extended family drama has its moments too... but I am dealing with that too... still chugging along... I am scheduled for surgery on Jan 26Th... but other than that, all seems good... going through some major withdrawals of rock band... really disappointed in the BSG opener... and my last gaming session was a let down...

that is all...
end of line...


Melinda said...

Good luck on the surgery. I hope all goes well. You guys deserve to see your way out of all the craptastic luck you've been having.

BTW, I got the shirt. You guys are fraking awesome!

sinister_n_evil said...

you are more than welcome my wonderful lady... I would say that is better than the beer I owed you... since the man is off the market... ;-)

captcha: goings

Melinda said...

Well, since I'm not supposed to drink anyway, it'll do quite nicely.