Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In like a Lion...

Last year started with a 3AM pounding on our door to evacuate our building because fireworks ignited our condo building, and we anxiously held our breath as the fire fighters battled the flames as they crept ever so close to the new place we called home. Health issues, transportation issues, work/job issues, child support and visitation issues have all raised stress levels in the homestead this year, but we have overcome some pretty interesting challenges. One of which included getting kahuna Divorced and Married in the span of three days! Go figure... and I never knew I was shacking up with a married dude... let alone engaged to one...

Last night, I was riding home from Denham Springs with one of the clearest night sky's I have seen since Katrina. Seeing that many stars in the sky reminds me of the immensity of the universe and how insignificant I am by comparison. I know that the coming year holds challenges similar to that of the last year. I can only hope that I am more prepared to deal with those challenges. I have child support court on my birthday of all things... then Kahuna has carpal tunnel surgery the day after... I have to have a tumor removed from my ovary later in January... yes, another surgery... and with some luck, I get to go back to work...

With this the last day of the year, I have already started my physical therapy, so I have already put my best foot forward. I am talking the PT with the actual Therapist... who said that I was in incredible shape for recovering from surgery. ( I guess my personal PT program has been doing the trick.) So, go YMCA!

Now, I have to go do some house work... Merry 12th Night!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Finally given freedom...

Charles perked up enough that the doctors decided to lock his IV and give him freedom after he chowed down on an Oreo and a chicken nugget and lets not forget the ice cream. He perked up so much that he began attempting to scale the rails of his bed. We managed to convince the doctors that it would be easier to contain him at home than in the hospital bed. They reluctantly agreed, and released us late tonight which almost never happens... You can only imagine the impression that my child left on the doctors...

Yummy .... Food!

Yeah! We are trying FOOD... 1 OREO AND 1 NUGGET...

He doesn't travel alone...

Santa's posse...

Guess Who Came Back around cause I'm Special!!!

Look what Santa Left While I was Napping...

The state police stoped by dressed as Santa and his reindeer handing out plush toys to the sick tots... Unfortunately... They didn't take into account that the kids would be screaming in terror in their wake... Thankfully... Charles was tramatized earlier with his barium x ray experience and was already asleep when they passed... So they just left the toy... When charles did wake up, he hid under the pillow for 2 hours... He didn't come out till he heard Barney on the tv... Between the barium up the nose... And the cathader to test for the UTI... My son is going to need therapy after this...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Poor Sick Baby...

Ok... it turns out that after a trip to the dreded Chuck E. Cheese... Punt hat to fish a token out of Charles' mouth... and that is what may have caused the dreaded stomach virus that dehydrated my son to the point of hospitilalization with IV fluids and Barium x-rays for two days... I will never condone any child going to that establishment EVER... cause I have never heard of any place being hired to CLEAN that place... It is a bacteria factory... yuk!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holy Crap... Hasn't he done enough dammage...

OK... i think in terms of extremes... but according to this article, if my doctor or pharmacist doesn't like my lifestyle, tattoos, or religion... I can be refused medical treatment, care, or prescriptions...

Bush... The Shoes should have fucking hit you in the mouth and you should have fucking choked on them... Leave the country in a salvageable condition... you have done enough damage already...

Mother Night of Yule

Traditionally held on the evening before the Winter's Solstice, Mother's Night is a time when the world between the living and the dead are very thin. It is a time to celebrate family, exchange gifts, and look with wonder to the year ahead. The 12 days of Yule are a time to remember our past, and tell the stories of our people. Each night of Yule corresponds to a month of the year ahead.

If you dare click the link above... be prepared... there is a link that will insult most christians...

but anyways... Today is also the first day of Hanukkah... you are in our thoughts Melinda...

Roadblocks on my road to recovery...

Just when I think I am making progress, and I have nerves that are waking up after months of being dormant... I get pain that my surgeon insists is not related to the surgery... So, after a year of dealing with the back, I still have issues with an appendicitis like pain that had me rushed to the ER in October 2007 ... the only problem is that with the nerve damage to the back, I haven't been able to feel that pain which apparently has been happening since October 2007 and apparently it is the female plumbing...

So, as kahuna had his ultrasound last week, I had one yesterday... Now i have to go for a cat scan of my uterus... What holiday spirit i had is slowly being extinguished by this suck ass reality...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Moment Of Silence...

Majel Barrett Roddenberry died today...

I just feel stunned ... and caught like someone punched me in the gut unprepared... woah..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What to do...

Apparently CJ is having issues Santa... He thinks he gets a better deal from the easter bunny... Toys n candy with no strings attached...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

jammin to the tunes

50 days and counting...

to the new season of Heroes... it beats waiting a year and a half like we did for battlestar, but thankfully that wait is soon over... there were many interesting plot twists to this "chapter's " cliff-hanger... I did have a feeling that peter would get his powers back, but I don't think that we have seen the last of peter's father or syler... they both have clair's healing power... and OMG, was that MICHAEL DORN as the President of the USA that nathan was rattin out people with powers to... what is going to happen when the worf finds out that he can fly... heroes concentration camps... this is going to be interesting... i know the company had ways of containing people with powers using people with powers and drugs... but the it will be interesting to see how they write the government into this plot line...

heroes theories welcome....

dr who christmas special spoilers welcome...

battlestar theories... welcome...

star trek new movie time line debate... bring it!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

yeah... i know it is blurry....but deal...

Yeah, it has been a while since I posted, but trust me, I needed some time to calm down... I was flinging threats left and right, but my wonderful husband has shown me that my fury can be put to more constructive and creative means and the wonderful Jackie Gleason's character, sheriff justice of the smokey and the bandit movie fame calming "Ahouuuuummmmmm!!!" when you are contemplating homicidal tendencies actually works and has a comedic factor ta boot...

Anyways, to change the subject, isn't the blurry photo above just the cutest Christmas pic ever... Here I thought Charles would be putting up a fight with Santa, but they got along just wonderfully... My boy is a natural... Sorry, they came to late to go in the cards... but if you must have one, I am taking requests...

I continue my struggles with the causers of my stress leading to mental instability, and I am working on it... If it continues much longer... I may have to consider chemical intervention... the psychiatricly prescribed kind...

Friday, December 12, 2008


in its purest uncorrupted form can be inspired by individuals so far away...

I cannot post today... and will not post for a while... it is probably best that I don't... I need time to calm down...


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

things that make you go hmmmmm....

(stolen from Rick's myspace Page)

Your results:
You are Superman
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

ok... I think that this quiz is flawed.... cause if I am superman... I wear a push up bra?!?!? The first female on the list is catwoman... and I am allergic to cats... so that would be the death of me... hmmmm I guess the quiz takers just didn't fathom a person like me when they made this test.... I am that square peg that fits in no one's round hole... at least not a super hero's... perhapse... I am a super villan... hense the Sinister_n_evil thing I have going....LOL...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Be careful what you wish for...

What is this... a white elephant you say... yes.... well... there is a story behind this photo... see.... kahunah and I were determined to escape the confines of our home and get into the Christmas spirit... and we were determined to find the White Elephant of Christmas Decorated houses.... the CLARK GRISWALD POWER PLANT NIGHTMARE.... when we turned the corner and there was a WHITE ELEPHANT... I told him if he started chanting naked hooters girls running through the streets I was going to punch him... He then referred the the over the top house as a White Whale of houses... I said if we ran into one of those we were going home or i would start chanting Power Ball Winning Ticket...

Seriously... who thinks white elephant in a Christmas cap for Christmas as a lawn decoration... apparently these people baught it...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

An interesting morning...

We got to sleep in to our surprise... well, getting woken up to my "take your medicine" alarm is better than "wake up and take your kids to school" alarm.... any day... Kahuna and I were just bantering about what today's events should include when we heard the chatter of our little escape artist down the hall... and we both agreed that we should check on him before he turn Magiver on us and combined the contense of his diaper with the leftovers in his juice bottle to make C4 to blow the child gate in another attempt to escape his bedroom...

so Kahuna went to check on our little man... and I hear from down the hall the unmistakable sound of "Elmo in Grouchland" - The Movie.... and no Kahuna in site... I continue waiting and a significant portion of the film is underway... I have come to the conclusion that Kahuna been taken hostage by the munchkin... So, I go to check on my boys...and to my surprise Kahuna has lost himself in this movie ... when I get there... Kahuna turns to me in amazement and says... "They showed the inside of Oscar's Trash Can..." with the blank stare of a five year old's innocence... it was too precious... I just cuddled in the lower bunk and finished watching the movie with them...

I remember getting the movie for CJ... and it helped alot during Katrina... after watching that... he didn't ask so many questions about the trash piles... he just thought it was grouchland... Kudos to Sesame Street!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Well, I have started decorating for Yule, and I am impressed I actually got the entire tree up with only one pain killer and no intervention of medical personnel. I may have to use the tazer on Kahunah if he keeps telling me that it needs more ornaments or more anything... I know I need more Merlot as I have none in my system yet... at least I got a WOW! out of the 6 year old when he came home... I think I need a healthy dose of Rock Band tonight...

Which creature of the night are you?
Your Result: Vampire

You are a social pragmatist, as likely to kiss as to bite. Your sensuality and social pragmatism is the counter-balance to your existential angst and your tendency toward depression.

Cthulu Spawn
Which creature of the night are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Katrina ... on my mind...

I can't help it... but Katrina's been on my mind a lot lately. Primarily because my mom is going through lots of stuff that was salvaged from my grandmother's attic that survived the storm. Ducky is helping go through vital documents so we don't throw away anything that is important to the family tree cause mine is rather complex... (that is another blog for another day...)

but then I get an e-mail from my sci-fi club... and there is this guy that just posts unrelated garbage to the site that I normally just delete... but, for the heck of it... today... I just looked at it... I don't know why... but I sat threw the whole thing... and was in tears before I it was barely underway....

THE video that every mayor and president should watch before taking office and could have changed how Katrina was handled...

If you can sit through it... you will understand... if you lived here (in New Orleans) before Katrina.... you will understand.... if you have come to see, rebuild, or say good bye after Katrina... you will understand... If it brings you to tears too.... I understand...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Gas...

Rob having fun before they take his wisdom tooth...

A new day...

Well, I am off to a new start... and this is what I have learned....

* I have to wake up a half hour earlier than I want to function in order to take the pain pill so it can take effect in order to stretch out so I can start my day...

* It is easier to dress number one son first than number two son in the mornings...

* Kahuna is harder to get out of bed than number one or number two sons...

* I can effectively walk without my cane for a number of blocks...

* My membership to the YMCA goes active again this month and they offer chair exercises that I can participate in including yoga...

* Kahuna admitted that regardless of his input that I would be dragging his butt with me to the 'Y' whether he liked it or not...

* Number two son is smarter than I give him credit .... after cleaning out and rearranging his and bedroom putting the end table that pinned him to the floor in his closet... the little brain-i-ack turns over the laundry basket using it as a stool to climb over the child gate in the middle of the night.... so, again, I hear a thud followed by crying.... (note to self... no sturdy containers of any type to be left in child's room and Find a taller child gate... )

* Kitchen and Laundry are slowly coming under control again.... living room soon to be back to my standards by the end of the week... the goal is to have christmas decorations up and take christmas card photo of kids so kahunah can work his photo shop magic....

Still on the to do list for today....

Baby's R Us - for more child proofing stuff...
Home Depot - for an extension cord gadget...
Dentist appointment - for Rob...
and other random errands....

things are looking up...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December is off to a lousy start...

Well, Charles is determined to kill his parents.... well, maybe not straight out kill, but slowly torture us to death... when he came home from school, he was in to any and everything and it took every ounce of energy that Kahuna and I had just to keep up with the little munchkin... he has found every thing that was not child proofed in the house and made a point to show it to us that we missed it... and he has also decided to become an armature interior decorator my moving our furniture .... he maneuvers his way behind our end tables and just pushes them around the living room like they were walkers... and he also does this with the kitchen chairs... all of these are new habits that he acquired during his two week stay with bio dad during my recovery from surgery...

We also had an end table next to the bed in Charles' bedroom right by the light swith between the bed and the door next to the child gate... well, we eventually had to get a childproof switch for the light because Charles liked turning the light on and off creating the disco effect for his brother making it difficult to sleep ... well shortly after we childproofed the switch... Charles learned how to climb over the child gate and escape from the room... so, we had to move the end table across the room next to the door to what we refer to as the 'toy' room... now... the toy room is this walled off area in his bedroom isn't quite the toy room yet because we have been babysitting snakes for our friends until they could find a new foster family for them.... well, Charles finally figured out how to get into this room... so we blocked the door with the end table... (i know why your wondering why i am telling all of this back story.... but it comes to a head right here)

I am heading upstairs to go to bed last night when i hear a thud and Charles screaming..... not a cry like i am hurt.... the terror screaming that makes a mother's heart stop cold... drop everything i am holding and open the door to the bedroom and see my child pinned to the floor by this end table.... (thoughts of not lifting crap leave my head entirely... only thought in head ...RESCUE MY CHILD!!!) I start lifting this end table off of my son and his foot is jammed in between the drawers and CJ is just sitting there... i tell him get help.... i am just screaming... Rob is yelling what is wrong... I yell help... Rob finally runs in... I finally get Charles free.... Charles.... Crawls to Rob.... I sit on the floor in pain...

Charles gathers himself... walks over to me (I am in tears) hugs me and pats me on the back... I hug him back... and we just sit there for a long while...

I am back on the pain killers and doing lots of stretching this morning and today... using my muscle relaxers.... i figure there is nothing like starting my own physical therapy early... I own my own tens unit... so figure i will jolt my self up with some voltage....

my only guess is that he opened the drawers and tried to use them as stairs and the end table toppled over on him.... I don't know if he learned his lesson from it... we turned the table around so he couldn't open the drawers... I can't be there every second of every day... and i can't whisk him away at a moment's notice from every harm... I wish I could, but I can't ... and that is sooo hard to live with during this recovery... i think that is the hardest thing for me right now... i can deal with the financial... i can deal with coitus interruptus... ... but not being able to help my kids when they need it... tears me up inside... Physical Therapy Starts Today!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Well... I can't stop now...

With NaBloPoMo over.... and I successfully posting daily despite surgery and other obstacles of life, I have gotten in the habit of just unloading on line...

Today, was an okay day... I did just enough not to be disappointed in myself for accomplishing nothing... I am still recovering from exhaustion as Charles insists on partying with Elmo all night long... I am hoping that he sleeps early and all night long tonight...

Rob is doing a wonderful job of distracting the kids while i unwind watching the birdcage... it is comforting to see other diffusional families even if they are fiction... it is still funny...

then later is chuck and hero's...
