Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mother Night of Yule

Traditionally held on the evening before the Winter's Solstice, Mother's Night is a time when the world between the living and the dead are very thin. It is a time to celebrate family, exchange gifts, and look with wonder to the year ahead. The 12 days of Yule are a time to remember our past, and tell the stories of our people. Each night of Yule corresponds to a month of the year ahead.

If you dare click the link above... be prepared... there is a link that will insult most christians...

but anyways... Today is also the first day of Hanukkah... you are in our thoughts Melinda...


Brou HahHah said...

It only insults Christians who have no concept of world history and thought Western Civ started with Columbus.

Melinda said...

Actually, Hanukkah begins tonight at sundown. But thanks so much for the shout out.