Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Gas...

Rob having fun before they take his wisdom tooth...


Stacey said...


Ahh, the glorious gas.

Canardius said...

Nitrous oxide is quite amusing.

About that quote in your grandfather's poetry book, the opening of T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" is taken from the latin poet Petronius. It's about the aged crone the Sibyl of Cumae, who asked Apollo for as many years of life as grains in a handful of sand -- but no youth with it. The quote basically says, "I saw with my own eyes the Cumaean Sibyl hanging in a jar and the boys asked her 'What do you want?' and she answered, 'I want to die'."

sinister_n_evil said...

Wow... that is rather cryptic for T.S. Eliot... but, I guess I understand it how it relates to the poem...

Everything happens for a reason... and I think that I was meant to find that and for you to translate it for me... I know that sounds cryptic... but it answers a question that has been sweltering since the ghost expodition ... The Irony of finding that book and flipping to that page with the individual that could translate it for me is just too great...

it is almost... poetic...