Saturday, December 6, 2008

An interesting morning...

We got to sleep in to our surprise... well, getting woken up to my "take your medicine" alarm is better than "wake up and take your kids to school" alarm.... any day... Kahuna and I were just bantering about what today's events should include when we heard the chatter of our little escape artist down the hall... and we both agreed that we should check on him before he turn Magiver on us and combined the contense of his diaper with the leftovers in his juice bottle to make C4 to blow the child gate in another attempt to escape his bedroom...

so Kahuna went to check on our little man... and I hear from down the hall the unmistakable sound of "Elmo in Grouchland" - The Movie.... and no Kahuna in site... I continue waiting and a significant portion of the film is underway... I have come to the conclusion that Kahuna been taken hostage by the munchkin... So, I go to check on my boys...and to my surprise Kahuna has lost himself in this movie ... when I get there... Kahuna turns to me in amazement and says... "They showed the inside of Oscar's Trash Can..." with the blank stare of a five year old's innocence... it was too precious... I just cuddled in the lower bunk and finished watching the movie with them...

I remember getting the movie for CJ... and it helped alot during Katrina... after watching that... he didn't ask so many questions about the trash piles... he just thought it was grouchland... Kudos to Sesame Street!

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