Friday, December 5, 2008


Well, I have started decorating for Yule, and I am impressed I actually got the entire tree up with only one pain killer and no intervention of medical personnel. I may have to use the tazer on Kahunah if he keeps telling me that it needs more ornaments or more anything... I know I need more Merlot as I have none in my system yet... at least I got a WOW! out of the 6 year old when he came home... I think I need a healthy dose of Rock Band tonight...

Which creature of the night are you?
Your Result: Vampire

You are a social pragmatist, as likely to kiss as to bite. Your sensuality and social pragmatism is the counter-balance to your existential angst and your tendency toward depression.

Cthulu Spawn
Which creature of the night are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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