Sunday, December 7, 2008

Be careful what you wish for...

What is this... a white elephant you say... yes.... well... there is a story behind this photo... see.... kahunah and I were determined to escape the confines of our home and get into the Christmas spirit... and we were determined to find the White Elephant of Christmas Decorated houses.... the CLARK GRISWALD POWER PLANT NIGHTMARE.... when we turned the corner and there was a WHITE ELEPHANT... I told him if he started chanting naked hooters girls running through the streets I was going to punch him... He then referred the the over the top house as a White Whale of houses... I said if we ran into one of those we were going home or i would start chanting Power Ball Winning Ticket...

Seriously... who thinks white elephant in a Christmas cap for Christmas as a lawn decoration... apparently these people baught it...

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