Tuesday, December 16, 2008

50 days and counting...

to the new season of Heroes... it beats waiting a year and a half like we did for battlestar, but thankfully that wait is soon over... there were many interesting plot twists to this "chapter's " cliff-hanger... I did have a feeling that peter would get his powers back, but I don't think that we have seen the last of peter's father or syler... they both have clair's healing power... and OMG, was that MICHAEL DORN as the President of the USA that nathan was rattin out people with powers to... what is going to happen when the worf finds out that he can fly... heroes concentration camps... this is going to be interesting... i know the company had ways of containing people with powers using people with powers and drugs... but the it will be interesting to see how they write the government into this plot line...

heroes theories welcome....

dr who christmas special spoilers welcome...

battlestar theories... welcome...

star trek new movie time line debate... bring it!!!

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