Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Best Book that I can Recommend to others... (Thanks Dave)

Well Ladies and Gents,

I am out of bed and mobile... the doc adjusted my pain meds and I am doing UBER better... My staples are dry and I get them out in two weeks. My wonderful husband has been doing a fantastic job of taking care of me... my marvelous six year old slept in my closet cause he wanted to be by my side in case I needed him his first night home. He has been a fantastic little helper since he has been home... and to my surprise Punt has been a great help too... He even brought Pint size over to visit last night. Little Man even gave me a big hug and kiss... and just patted me... he didn't jump on me or anything... it was like he knew I was in pain... My little angel...

Anyway... back to my challenge... I actually have a to do list for NaBloPoMo... and the title of today's post reveals which one I am tackling today...

The best book that I can recommend to others is
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, A Toltec Wisdom Book (Hardcover)by Don Miguel Ruiz (Author)

There was a time in my life when I did a lot of self help reading, and I found this a very enlightening and easy read. This book didn't preach at you. It is more of a book that said here is a guide you should live your life by... don't preach to others, set an example by doing... and there are only four simple rules to follow. Not only that, these rules are based on Ancient Native American traditions, so there is no born again, or some other church knocking at your door asking for a tithe so some bishop or pope can have another gold lined cloak... It is a genuine feel good book to teach people how to genuinely do good to one another... and even people who don't read (oh the horror) can get through the brevity of it... it makes a fantastic gift too...also available in paperback... and expansions are also available since I read the first one long ago... coincidentally, I was going through my divorce when I first found it...

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