Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sinister's turn at the TMI folks....

Before I went by Silverfox, I went by Sinister just in case yall didn't know and that is because I fully believed and carried out retribution for acts against me.... but, now that Rob is in my life, I have to admit that he as learned to tame this WILD Beast inside into a semi domesticated fox...

Well, lets get to that post, shall we... you do recall three weeks ago when Kahuna was so disappointed when he was tag teamed by short stuff's head but to his sore wisdom tooth and lil bit's simplex to the groin which spoiled his final night before the dreaded three weeks of cold showers he had to look forward to.... well, last night ended those three weeks...

We had everything worked out... the kids were going with their bio grand parents for the weekends. Fry Day had been canceled so there was nothing else to do. We weren't even going to do the Ren Fair... but, not all things go down as planned in the Kahuna Household.... WE had an unexpected visitor.... Aunt Flo...

and my husband can't even put on a band aid to cover his own flesh wound... so, we are as they say 'screwed' for another week...

ya gotta love irony...

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