Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The TMI Constipation Post (thanks Stacy)

Well apparently i cant post from my phone without attaching a photo... So here is an old favorite from the family album that relates to today's question... What do i eat when i get constapated? (thanks Stacy)
well, i love fruits and vegetables but with the meds i am on... It happens... My last bout was a week without a stool... But i am a special case... I will get in into that later... My preferred choice is the activia yogurt with a trail mix cerial. My therapist gave me an asian laxative that i haven't had the guts to try yet... But i haven't pooped sinse before the surgery, so i an thinking about it...
now, when i said i wasn't normal, i meant it. I am a gastric bypass survivor. Back in december of 2000, i weighed 300 lbs was boardline diabetic, declared infertile, and willing to put my life on the line to change my miserable lifestyle. Because of that surgery... I have a self inflicted miserable diarea alternative that is called the dumping syndrome... NOT PLEASANT AND EXPLOSIVE DIAREA FOLLOWED BY COLD SWEATS AND SHAKES...
I avoid it at all costs... So i am taking an otc stool softener instead...
so... That is my story and i am sticking to it...

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Oy! I'm glad you're feeling better, but milk the down time as much as you can. Make Rob wait on you hand and foot.